Requirements Of The Testing Pool, Whereabouts and ADAMS.



Prohibited substances that are used out-of-competition will not always be detected in an athlete’s sample if the athlete is tested in-competition. For this reason, out-of-competition testing is a necessary part of an anti-doping program.

In order to locate athletes for out-of-competition testing, the TWIF needs information about where they are. This information, which is called “Whereabouts”, is stored confidentially in WADA’s ADAMS platform and is only used by the Anti-Doping Organizations (ADOs) who have authority to test the athletes. ADAMS is a web-based system that centralizes anti-doping information including Whereabouts information. It’s a secure platform for athletes and ADOs to use.

Testing Pool

The TWIF Testing Pool will consist of International-Level Athletes for the purposes of these Anti-Doping Rules, and, therefore, the specific provisions in these Anti-Doping Rules applicable to International-Level Athletes (e.g., Testing, TUEs, whereabouts, and Results Management) shall apply to such Athletes:

  • Athletes included in the TWIF Registered Testing Pool, Testing Pool and any other pool if established by TWIF;
  • Athletes who intend to compete at a formal TWIF International Championship or World Games where TWIF accreditation is required to participate. Having competed at such an event the Athlete shall be deemed an International Athlete for a period of 12 months.

TWIF updates the composition of the TP on a regular basis. Athletes are included in the TP based on a set of criteria defined by TWIF and are intelligence led and evidence based. Athletes included in the TWIF TP will be informed by ab Inclusion Letter – this document contains all the key information, deadlines and athletes’ responsibilities as it relates to athletes’ TP obligations.

Athletes In The TWIF TP Are Required To Provide The Following Information:

  • Address, email address and phone number
  • Regular training activities, location and schedule
  • The competitions the athlete is participating in

Athletes can submit their Whereabouts directly in ADAMS and/or in Athlete Central. Athlete Central is a mobile App that can be used to both provide whereabouts information and update it.

Whereabouts information must be submitted each quarter (by a specific time and date provided by TWIF) for the next 3 months. Once the quarterly Whereabouts information is submitted the athlete must then make sure it remains accurate at all times. If the athlete’s plans change then they must update their Whereabouts information accordingly.

Whereabouts information must provide sufficient detail so that the athlete can be found/located for an out-of-competition test.

What Happens If An Athlete Fails To Comply With Their Whereabouts Requirements?

Failure to Comply without a robust justification, to provide Whereabouts information, or to be available for Testing at the location(s) you specify, will constitute ‘whereabouts failure’ under the ADR, the sanctions for which are specified in Article 5.5.12 of the ADRs and are as follows;

  • First Offence: A written warning;
  • Second Offence: A fine of £100 for the Athlete which will be recovered through the National Federation if unpaid, and a fine for the National Federation (in accordance with Article 12.2.4) (this would include recovering ALL costs from any missed tests)
  • Third Offence: Elevation of the Athlete to TWIF’s Registered Testing Pool .

Note: The additional testing costs associated with the RTP shall be borne by the Athlete or National Federation.

A Whereabouts failure is

  • If an athlete doesn’t submit their Whereabouts information quarterly and update it as necessary, or provides incomplete/inaccurate information, they may receive what is called a filing failure.
  • If a Doping Control Officer (DCO) can’t find the athlete at the location indicated the athlete may receive filing failure.

Note: the above is only a brief overview of Testing Pools & Whereabouts, meant for awareness purposes. Athletes who are included in the TWIF Testing Pool are notified accordingly, as indicated above. The notification includes all the necessary information.

In addition, it is highly recommended that TP athletes take WADA’s e-learning “ADEL for International-Level Athletes” on WADA’s ADEL Platform.